Capital Area Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CARTPO)

The Capital Area Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CARTPO) serves as a forum for elected officials to come together on transportation issues to recommend changes in policy and practice, advocate for legislation, recommend regional priorities, direct certain planning and data initiatives, oversee the federally-prescribed local consultation process, and collaborate with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. It functions as a central clearinghouse for regional transportation planning. CARTPO is not appointed by the CAPCOG Executive Committee.

Staff Liason

CARTPO Purpose

CARTPO originally was created as a response to TEA-21 legislation, which called for state departments of transportation to work with officials in non-metropolitan areas when making transportation planning and programming decisions. CARTPO originally was one of several Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) voluntarily created by Texas Councils of Governments to help address rural transportation needs. Past calls for projects in 2003 and 2004 resulted in funding $24 million in transportation projects within our counties by the Texas Transportation Commission. Projects from the 2005 call for projects were not able to be funded through TxDOT’s traditional funding categories. CARTPO’s responsibilities consist of the following:

  • Providing a forum for elected officials and community leaders to learn about and discuss relevant transportation topics;
  • Evaluating and recommending projects with a regional impact to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT);
  • Overseeing research and education on financing mechanisms for transportation and related projects;
  • Studying and recommending changes in statutes, rules, or policies related to state or federal transportation programs;
  • Coordinating with CAMPO on transportation issues;
  • Developing a regional mobility strategy for the ten-county area; and
  • Serving as an information clearinghouse for transportation related data.

CARTPO Membership and Bylaws

CARTPO reevaluated its role in the transportation planning process during 2006 and on April 11, 2007 formalized its structure, and objectives into an adopted set of bylaws.


CARTPO membership comprises three categories: voting, ex-officio and associate. Voting membership is given to three elected officials from each of the 10 counties within the CAPCOG region, with representation from at least one municipality in each county suggested. Ex-officio and associate designations are nonvoting seats composed of officials from regional transportation stakeholders, other governmental entities, organizations or individuals.


CARTPO Meetings

The organization meets at least quarterly. Its meetings are open to the public. Check the events section below for upcoming meeting details, such as time, date and location.