Health & Wellness

The Health and Wellness Program provides older adults with the tools to maintain and manage their health to live as independently as possible. Each program is an Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) proven to effectively help older adults to improve and maintain their physical, mental and emotional health while focusing on key areas of concerns for older adults such as the risk of falling and managing chronic diseases.

Each program has earned the highest-level criteria for evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion programs from the U.S. Administration for Community Living.

AAACAP provides health and wellness programs and training courses at no cost to people who are 60 years old or older or who care for someone at least 60 years old.

Senior people chatting and drinking hot green tea after yoga class

Schedule a Health and Wellness Program or Become a Coach

CAPCOG, as AAACAP, also offers training for those who want to teach these courses throughout the region. As a volunteer coach, residents can help seniors and caregivers in their own community live better lives.

Contact Rhonda Thompson, AAACAP program coordinator, to bring a coach training to your community.

Health and Wellness Programs are scheduled throughout the year in CAPCOG’s entire 10-county region, but AAACAP always wants to meet any demand of the communities in the region. AAACAP welcomes any request to schedule a Health and Wellness program.

Contact Rhonda Thompson, AAACAP Program coordinator, to schedule a Health and Wellness Program.

Learn about the EBIs Programs

A Matter of Balance: Managing concerns about falls

A Matter of Balance is designed to help older adults reduce their risk and fear of falling, through practical strategies and to maintain active, healthy lifestyles. The program is a structured group intervention which uses a variety of activities to address physical, social, and cognitive factors affecting fear of falling and to learn fall prevention strategies.

Activities included in this A Matter of Balance are group discussions, problem-solving, skill building, assertiveness training, videos, sharing practical solutions and exercise training. During the program, participants learn to view falls and the fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals for increasing activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, promote exercise to increase strength and balance. A Matter of Balance falls prevention course comprises of eight, two-hour sessions. The program is led by volunteer coaches who complete an eight-hour training program.

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, Self-Management Program helps older adults manage the symptoms of chronic diseases including Type 2 Diabetes. This program teaches the skills needed in the day-to-day management of treatment and to maintain or increase one’s activities.

Participants learn techniques to deal with problems, appropriate exercise and appropriate use of medications. They also are taught how to communicate effectively, how to manage their nutrition, and how to make decisions and evaluate new treatments. Classes are held once a week for 2 ½ hours for six weeks and are administered by trained lay leader, many of whom also have chronic conditions, that received 32 hours of instruction.

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions is taught for those with a board array of long-term diseases, but there is also a course that focuses on self-management of Type 2 Diabetes.