AAACAP Benefits Counselors talk Medicare, other resources

Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area, a CAPCOG division, benefits counselors are offering in-person and virtual presentations for groups around the region to educate older adults and their caregivers about Medicare programs and other resources that can impact their benefits.

“Medicare programs can change and staying up to date on benefits can help people plan for the future, avoid penalties, and find resources they didn’t know were available,” said Yvette McVey, AAACAP lead benefits counselor. “By informing people about Medicare, the Medicare Saving Program, long-term care, estate planning and the Extra Help program, AAACAP benefit counselors hope to help people age in place by directing them to programs that benefit them.”

The presentations provide an overview of current benefit programs and how benefits counselors can assist individuals. They are delivered to groups so older adults or their caregivers can be comfortable seeking individual assistance anytime of the year including during the current Advantage Plan open enrollment — January 1 to March 31.

Contact McVey to schedule presentations about older adult benefits.

Benefits counselors will offer presentations until late September when they start to assist people with Medicare open enrollment.

Read more about Benefits Counselor services.


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