AAACAP reaches out for local, public input for 2021-22 area plan

The Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area (AAACAP), a division of CAPCOG, has begun drafting its 2021-22 Area Plan by scheduling multiple focus groups throughout the region, launching an online survey, and gathering data related to older adult issues. The AAACAP Area Plan is a community needs assessment that provides guidance for services delivered to older adults, their families and caregivers; it may also serve other organizations that help meet older adults’ needs.

“This region has experienced amazing changes with its overall growth and the growth of older adults and caregivers,” said Patty Bordie, AAACAP director. “The plan is our chance to tell that story of change and how we are going to meet the needs of older residents. To do that, we need community input because they are on the frontline and can best speak to their individual needs.”

AAACAP launched an online survey in both Spanish and English that asks question about services they receive, issues which impact community living and caregiver support needs as well as gaps in services. The survey targets anyone interested in older adult issues to include older adults themselves, caregivers, services providers, advocates and elected officials. It will be available until December.

> Take the survey in English.
> Take the survey in Spanish.

“The truth comes from the people in the community,” Bordie said. “While the plan covers the whole region, we need input from every community and every group that touches older adult issues because each community is different. Our goal is to tailor the area plan to address the unique needs of both the older individual and their community supports.”

To further maximize community engagement in drafting the plan, AAACAP will conduct at least two focus group meetings in each of the ten counties: three sessions in counties with larger populations. The meetings will take place from September to November with the help from CAPCOG’s Aging Advisory Council members. Meeting locations and dates will be publicized on and through the local communities.

The plan is anticipated to be completed in March 2020 after CAPCOG compiles survey and focus group information along with data from sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, hospital needs assessments, and area service provider feedback.

> Learn more about AAACAP.


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