Aging Area Plan identifies, addresses older adults’ needs

The Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area (AAACAP), a CAPCOG division, drafted its 2021-22 Area Plan to maximize its services and supports while addressing the needs of region’s growing older adult population. The plan states, the number of adults over 60 is projected to nearly double by 2040, and from 2010 to 2018, the number of adults 65 to 74 grew by nearly 78 percent while the 75 and older age group grew by about 36 percent. The growth rate of those age groups is projected to outpace all other age groups in the region between 2020 and 2040.

“The Area Plan confirms the region’s older adult population is growing, and that their needs are changing,” said Patty Bordie, AAACAP director. “It enables AAACAP to grow with them by continuing to provide appropriate services to those most in need in rural and urban areas.”

For several months, AAACAP gathered information from community surveys, focus groups and community needs assessments before compiling them with demographic data sourced by the CAPCOG Community and Economic Development Division. The information identified and analyzed older adults’ needs and where potential service barriers may exist; ultimately, it identified the region’s top needs are related to health issues, finances, safety, safe and affordable housing, transportation, scams, and fraud.

While specific strategies to address these needs may vary across the region, the plan states AAACAP should work within its existing programs and community partners to increase outreach to hard-to-reach populations, grow access to long-term services and supports, provide more person-centered practices that promote personal care choices, and strengthen and expand community collaborations. The plan will be on after Texas Health and Human Services approves it.

Read more about AAACAP.


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