Basic environmental law course addresses illegal dumping

The CAPCOG Solid Waste Program and the Regional Environmental Task Force will lead a course that literally helps jurisdictions clean up their communities. Their basic environmental law course will be from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 17 at Zedler Mill Pavilion, 1170 S. Laurel Avenue, in Luling.

“Education on environmental laws is a key component to allowing residents and property owners to enjoy the outdoors and protect their health and safety without risk of polluters violating their civil and property owner’s rights,” said Ken May, CAPCOG regional programs coordinator. “It is a constant battle to educate the public on what is and what is not allowable by law and to prevent environmental degradation via pollution.”

Certified instructors will provide insight and information about illegal dumping and other environmental crimes such as solid waste violations, illegal outdoor burning, and water pollution. They will discuss the codes that lead to better enforcement and best-practices for investigating, prosecuting, and abating environmental crimes. Meant for peace officers, code enforcement officers and sanitarians, the course provides 6-hours of Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, code enforcement and sanitarian continuing education training. It also provides four hours of On-site Sewage Facilities continuing education.

Register for the course.

Read more about the CAPCOG Solid Waste Program.
