CAPCOG makes homeland security grant funding recommendations

The CAPCOG Executive Committee prioritized 31 projects for the State Homeland Security Program grants; recommending 15 projects for funding based on the state’s regional allocation. CAPCOG expects the Office of the Governor to make the final selection of projects in June.

Traditionally, the CAPCOG region has received between $1.4 and $1.8 million from the program. Projects recommended this year included training and equipment for emergency response teams that meet the FEMA Critical Priority Area targets: cybersecurity, soft targets and crowded places, intelligence and information sharing, and emerging threats. The equipment and training will be implemented to either prepare for or respond to incidents throughout the region.

For the preliminary ranking of the submitted grant project applications, CAPCOG’s Homeland Security Task Force subcommittees of public safety subject matter experts reviewed each application and prioritized them based on region’s Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment and their ability to o either sustain, build, or expand existing programs. Each COG must adopt a grant funding process and there are state categories that must also be met including ensuring 25 percent of the projects meet law enforcement needs.

Read more about the grant process.
Review the recommendations.


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