CAPCOG recognizes May as Older Americans Month

CAPCOG encourages communities to join in recognizing old adults’ contributions during Older Americans Month — May, but also to participate in this year’s theme, Age My Way, by helping to serve them. The CAPCOG Executive Committee adopted a resolution proclaiming May as Older Americans Month during its April meeting.

Older adult support comes in many forms from the programs offered by CAPCOG’s Area Agency on Aging or the Aging Disability Resource Centers to social engagement, educational and transportation programs provided by local jurisdictions. All speak to this year’s theme. “Supporting older adults and their needs allows them to continue to thrive in the community and contribute through civic engagement,” said Patty Bordie, CAPCOG aging services director. “And their work giving back through volunteering or sharing wisdom is invaluable. May is the month to honor their efforts, recognize their strengths and raise awareness of available support services such as senior social and recreational activities, benefits counseling, nutrition programs, caregiver support and health and wellness trainings.”

Read the CAPCOG Older Americans Month Resolution.
Find more on Older Americans Month.
Learn about the Area Agency on Aging.

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