CAPCOG recommends homeland security projects to state

CAPCOG’s Executive Committee prioritized 20 projects seeking funding from the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant — eight of which were recommended for funding based on the state’s estimated budget allocation of $820,000 for the region. The Office of the Governor (OOG) determines the final project selections and should announce its awards by June.

Last year, the OOG awarded about $1.4 million for SHSP projects in the CAPCOG region; however, this year, the state pooled funds from regional allocations to create two statewide competitive project areas— cybersecurity and combating domestic violent extremism — lowering the regional allocation. CAPCOG submitted regional projects to compete in those two dedicated funding areas that if awarded would provide training and assets to regional emergency management stakeholders.

Projects recommended during the SHSP process included equipment maintenance for regional hazmat teams, equipment for emergency response, and regional training projects. If any savings are realized from the recommended projects, CAPCOG allocates those funds to the next prioritized and most accomplishable project.

View the CAPCOG SHSP project recommendations.

Learn more about the SHSP grant.
