CAPCOG sets priorities for 2023-24 TxCDBG grants

CAPCOG has defined the regional project priorities for the 2023-24 Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG), Community Development Fund for non-entitlement communities which allows for a wide range of community projects including infrastructure and housing. Communities can apply for the funding in the spring of 2023, and a project’s connection to the regional priorities will account for 25 percent of the 200-point application score.

The CAPCOG Executive Committee, one of 24 COGs in Texas following this process, delegated identification of the regional priorities to a subcommittee consisting of local government officials from the region’s HUD-defined non-entitlement communities. The subcommittee set the highest priority projects to be water and sewer projects, drainage projects, streets and roads, and first-time water or sewer services, which will be eligible for the maximum 50 points. Second-priority projects are eligible for 40 points and include clearance and demolition and code enforcement projects; such projects were not a priority in previous years, but the subcommittee determined the TxCDBG funds could provide an opportunity for rural communities to address problems that often lack funding. Third-priority projects will receive 25 points and include all other eligible projects.

The TxCDBG Community Development Fund is a competitive grant managed by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for local governments that don’t receive CDBG funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


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