CAPCOG still interested in coordinating shared services

CAPCOG sent out a survey in late January to determine if the region’s local governments would be interested in sharing the cost of services. The survey listed 17 types of services to be provided through a contract that CAPCOG would procure and manage. Examples included professional services such as legal counsel or engineering, management of contracts for debris or solid waste collections, GIS mapping, and bulk purchasing of equipment and maintenance.

Of the more than 230 surveys sent to representatives of CAPCOG’s member governments, only 17 were returned. According to Betty Voights, CAPCOG’s executive director, the demand for any one service was not sufficient to create the economy of scale intended for the COG to procure and manage a contract for services that an individual jurisdiction may not be able to afford or for which they may have limited need.

“CAPCOG’s board felt this was a service the agency could provide if there was demand for it; we are still willing to work with a group of our local governments if services are identified that can be shared,” Voights said.

The survey responses were reviewed in March when the agency went on telework status, so CAPCOG was delayed in getting the word out about the project’s results.


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