CAPCOG teaches telecommunicators during pandemic

The CAPCOG Emergency Communications Division continues to deliver training to emergency telecommunicators amid the COVID-19 pandemic through live and prerecorded online courses, so they can enhance and hone their skills, learn new proficiencies, and complete state mandated training requirements in a safe environment.

Emergency telecommunicators can take the prerecorded courses at any time on any computer or mobile device. CAPCOG has offered this service to every Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) since the end of 2019 through Virtual Academy, allowing telecommunicators to meet their state mandated 20 hours of training per cycle. The live webinar-style courses offer more specialized training in a digital atmosphere that promotes direct interaction with the instructor and their peers, which helps facilitate learning from questions and others’ experiences. CAPCOG offered three live-online courses in June for the first time, all were well attended.

Upcoming live courses include TTY on July 23 and A Helping Hand: Peer Support in your Communication Center on July 28.

Register for live-online course or get more course information and see future training opportunities.

Telecommunicators should talk to their PSAP managers about taking prerecorded courses.


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