CAPCOG trains telecommunicators leadership, wellness

The CAPCOG Emergency Communications Divisions is hosting two courses that seek to improve emergency telecommunicators leadership and personal mental fortitude. The 8-hour courses will take place in CAPCOG’s Cedar Room at 6800 Burleson Road, Building 310, Suite 165, in Austin.

“Answering 9-1-1 calls can be stressful and lead to compassion fatigue as you respond to other people’s emergency traumas,” said Pam Frisk, CAPCOG 9-1-1 senior training and public education specialist. “These two courses strive to prevent burnout and improve emergency telecommunicator retention by exploring how individuals can become better team members using their strengths and weaknesses and emphasizing the important role they play for public safety.”

The first course, DISCover the People-Centered Leadership Perspective, will take place on February 16. It uses a personality assessment technique to help people build better interpersonal relationships through self-awareness and improved communication skills. It also focusing on the importance of mentoring, developing internal talent, and understanding empathy and emotional intelligence. The second course, Renovation Time: Rebuilding your 9-1-1 Foundation, will be held on February 17. It seeks to refresh telecommunicators mental and emotional mindset by emphasizing their responsibility and reminding them why they decided to work in public safety. The course also discusses avoiding aspects of social media to balance yourself and moving forward to deter complacency.

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