Homeland Security offers Type III All-Hazards Incident course

The CAPCOG Homeland Security Division is hosting a Type III All-Hazards Incident Management Team training from Nov. 18 to Nov. 22 at Texas Army Reserves National Guard, Armed Forces Training Center in Austin. Instructed by the Texas A&M Forrest Service and sanctioned by the National Fire Service, the courses will ensure more emergency personnel are specialized in the individual command roles needed during large scale and often regional disasters.

The course teaches the foundation of running operations on disaster events that span a large area such as the 2014 Bastrop Fires. It is geared for those in response leadership positions such as emergency management coordinators and fire department and law enforcement agency command staffs. “When we put together a regional response team, the individuals leading can be from several places in the region depending on the incident and who is available,” said Martin Ritchey, CAPCOG Homeland Security director. “By offering this course, we are expanding our command capabilities by increasing the number of people who can take leadership and partnering roles needed during large incidents.”

People enrolled in the course will learn about the goals of National Incident Management System, how to garner assistance from local incident management teams, how to demonstrate the critical roles of leadership and teamwork, how to provide a framework critical interpersonal communications and working together, and how to offer practical experience of on-scene operations through extensive exercises and simulations.

This is the first of several Type III courses CAPCOG will offer for emergency personnel during the 2020 fiscal year.

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