National air quality campaign important to region

Air Quality Awareness Week is a national campaign that recognizes the importance of clean air for our health and wellbeing while educating people about the air quality index (AQI) and how they can protect their local air quality. CAPCOG will join national partners, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Weather Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and encourage local jurisdictions to participate in the awareness campaign from April 29 to May 3.

While Central Texas’ air quality is improving, it is important to participate this campaign because the CAPCOG region is still at risk of violating federal health-based standards for pollution levels. In 2018, regional air pollution levels were considered “moderate” or worse for more than 35 percent of the year, and this poor air quality particularly affects children, older adults, and people with lung and heart disease, demographics that make up two out of five Central Texas residents.

The 2019 Air Quality Awareness Week theme is Check the AQI and Get Outside. Each day will focus on a different topic encouraging people to check the AQI for the best times to be active outdoors.

The CAPCOG Executive Committee is set to declare April 29 through May 3 Air Quality Awareness Week on April 10. Local jurisdictions and other agencies get the resolution at to draft proclamations.

Learn more about the Air Quality Program.


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