Petroleum Solutions Inc. donates gas pumps for skimmer course

Petroleum Solutions Inc.’s Austin office donated two gas pump credit and debit card processing machines to support a new training program to help peace officers train on identifying and investigating credit card skimmers used at gas stations throughout Central Texas.

“We are very fortunate to have this donation so that peace officers will get hands-on experience in combatting skimmer crimes,” said Mike Jennings, CAPCOG RLEA director who thanked Jimmy Kylberg, a Petroleum Solutions service manager for coordinating the donation. “Officers, who take the course in person, will work directly with these machines that could be the same ones at local gas stations, and they will see how skimmers are setup.”

The pumps will allow peace officers to practice collecting evidence as well as removing the credit card skimmers from the electronic components of gas pumps. CAPCOG anticipates holding its first skimmer course in December. It also will conduct online courses in the future. The Texas Department of Agriculture and CAPCOG have partnered to provide these courses to improve skimmer enforcement and prevention of stolen credit and debit card information caused by the devices.

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