Region tests EOC capabilities, communications in exercise

The CAPCOG Homeland Security Division’s 2020 Regional Exercise, which took place in February, simulated large wildfires in three counties to test the region’s ability to standup Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) and run multiple large-scale operations simultaneously. The exercise, which encompassed more than 250 emergency response personnel, helped jurisdiction in the region assess response and communications capacities and to identify potential gaps in disaster incident response.

“We always evaluate our exercises to determine if any gaps exist and to review other measurable objectives,” said Martin Ritchey, CAPCOG Homeland Security director. In this exercise, the region wanted to stress its operational capabilities and test situational awareness, resource allocation, and regional critical information sharing. Three EOCs stood up to handle local response while a fourth EOC opened for support in communicating and tracking resources.

“It is vital during large events and multiple events to track resources and communicate effectively,” Ritchey said. “If you send too many resources to one location or the wrong location, they could sit unused compared to being immediately placed into operation elsewhere, and that could save property and lives.” CAPCOG commissioned an after action report to review the exercise’s response which will be completed later this year. The report will assist with developing future plans and training exercises for all jurisdictions in the region.

Read more about the Homeland Security Division.


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