RLEA begins training on de-escalation simulator

Police agencies around the region have a new de-escalation training tool which they will soon be able to use at their own facilities. CAPCOG began instructing departments in July on using its Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives (MILO) Range simulator. Training simulators can help teach peace officers about resolving tense conflict and avoiding the use of force while providing them with insight on how their reactions can affect situations before they experience one in real life, said Mike Jennings, CAPCOG regional law enforcement academy director.

This portable training simulator immerses peace officers into mock scenarios that can dynamically shift outcomes to either escalate or pacify the situation based on an officer’s reactions. The simulator has more than 1,000 preprogrammed scenarios; each with numerous decision points and a wide range of outcomes. It also allows for instructors to change environmental elements, such as adding loud music, violent screams, or crying children, to change an officer’s perception of the scenario and increase their stress factors. Instructors and officers can review an officer’s course of action to further improve their de-escalation techniques.

This particular simulator also can be used as a digital firing range and comes with mock firearms with recoil. RLEA will continue to instruct training officers on using the simulator before it makes the simulator available to policing agencies throughout the region.

Read more about RLEA.


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