RLEA delivers Sunset Valley, Cottonwood Shores training

Cottonwood Shores and Sunset Valley are hosting the CAPCOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy (RLEA) to conduct a February-26 Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement course and a February-27 De-escalation Techniques course, respectively. CAPCOG is delivering courses at the agencies’ facilities to ensure officers throughout the region have a greater opportunity to maintain and advance their careers.

“CAPCOG wants every department to have access to high quality training that meets their department’s needs and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcements’ requirements,” said Mike Jennings, CAPCOG RLEA director. “We have a lot of training instructors that can travel and will deliver a training course to an agency’s area, especially if the department may not have the staff to send officers to an all-day training course in Austin.”

The 24-hour intermediate Spanish course develops speaking and listening skills that promote a deeper understanding of Texas’ Spanish speaking population. It helps develop language skills that lead to a stronger repertoire for communicating with the provision of officer safety. It is a required course for Intermediate Peace Officer Proficiency Certification. The 8-hour de-escalation course works to improve officers’ response to incidents involving people in crisis who are behaving erratically. It emphasizes the safety of all individuals involved while teaching tactical de-escalation to reduce the intensity of an encounter by giving officers additional options for voluntary compliance to mitigate the need for a higher level of force.

Enroll in the courses or view other RLEA training opportunities.

Agencies that need training and can’t dedicate officers travel time, should contact Terri Kroeger, RLEA Office Coordinator,  about scheduling courses in their area.

Read more about RLEA.
