RLEA offers Standard Field Sobriety Test Practitioner training

The CAPCOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy (RLEA) is offering a 24-hour, mandated Standard Field Sobriety Test Practitioner training which teaches officers how to conduct sobriety tests, improve their interactions with drivers who may be impaired, and save lives through prevention and proper enforcement. The course is being offered from June 21 to 23 at CAPCOG. While it has been a part of RLEA’s Basic Peace Officers Course for years, this will be the first time it’s being held for certified officers.

“This course gives the trained officer the confidence in their own personal ability to effectively perform the standardized field sobriety test,” said Sergio Flores, the CAPCOG RLEA chief instructor. “Officers equipped with this knowledge are more capable of taking a proactive response within their community against intoxicated driving violations and can deter and prevent vehicle injury and save lives.” According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which developed the criteria for the course, conducting proper enforcement at a regular frequency reduces drunk driving incidents as people who drink will often find safe ways to travel to prevent being arrested.

In Texas, peace officers should recertify as field sobriety test practitioner every two years. RLEA will conducted the course in a dry lab environment giving officers hands-on experience through mock scenarios as well as reviewing recorded drunk driving stops and the corresponding sobriety test. The course also teaches how to recognize impaired driving, notice and collect evidence, and complete the required reporting.

Register for the training.


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