Regional Law Enforcement Academy ramps up training early in training cycle

More training is being scheduled at locations around the region to ensure officers can access training they need and local agencies are staying adequately staffed, according to CAPCOG’s new RLEA Director David Bertling. “Offering training closer to home can save on personnel hours and get officers back on their shifts quicker. For would-be peace officers, it can slightly lessen the time commitment on the already rigorous course work. CAPCOG would rather cadets be studying than driving,” said Bertling, who is finishing his third month at the agency.

With the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) two-year training cycle having just started, the CAPCOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy (RLEA) is starting the new year with new courses to provide law enforcement officers and departments with greater expertise; it also wants to offer training opportunities closer to home.

“As with any new training cycle, Texas Peace Officers are required to obtain a certain number of training hours to maintain their license, and we are determined to offer all the required courses for peace officers desiring to elevate their license to Intermediate, Advanced and Master certificates,” said Bertling. One required course peace officers should complete as soon as possible is the Legislative Law Update course, especially if they work enforcement, as changes are already in effect. In early December, RLEA offered its first, in-person course on the subject which focuses on changes made during the 87th Texas Legislative Session as well as case law handed down from U.S. Supreme Court. RLEA is scheduling additional courses for January and February. TCOLE’s training requirements can be found at

RLEA courses such as January’s GLOCK Armorer are meant to provide specialized training so departments can better support their officers. Completing the GLOCK Armorer training allows departments to service their own weapons, instead of relying on a professional outside the agency. Other anticipated courses this year include pressure point control tactics and armament systems and procedures baton training.


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