State homeland security grants open, CAPCOG begins review

The deadline to submit State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant application projects to CAPCOG for a requested staff review is January 22 with January 31 submission deadline to the Office of the Governor (OOG).

SHSP grants are awarded by the OOG and provide funding to address high-priority preparedness gaps across FEMA’s core capabilities and mission areas that support terrorism preparedness. In the CAPCOG region, submitted grant projects are ranked based on their nexus to terrorism, ability to fill gaps identified in the regional State Preparedness Report, and ability to demonstrate a regional approach to preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

In past years, the CAPCOG region has received between $1 and $1.5 million in SHSP funding from the OOG. After the projects are reviewed by committees of subject matter experts followed by the Homeland Security Task Force, the CAPCOG Executive Committee will confirm a final project prioritization list at its February 10 meeting. The list is then submitted to the Office of the Governor which announces awards in August.

Get more information about the program.


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