Newly elected Executive Committee votes on officers

capcog placeholder

CAPCOG’s newly elected Executive Committee held its first 2023 meeting on January 11 when its members elected the board’s officers, who also serve as the agency’s budget, audit and strategic […]

General Assembly to get transportation, census update

CAPCOG General Assembly graphic uploaded July 26, 2021 for September 2021 General Assembly

The CAPCOG General Assembly at its September meeting will hear a regional transportation update from Tucker Ferguson, Texas Department of Transportation’s Austin district engineer, and update about the region’s population […]

Telecommunicators week honors dedicated service

Backup Center Activation 2019 Emergency Communications

The past year resulted in many challenging circumstances for emergency telecommunicators from the COVID-19 pandemic to the February winter storm making it even more important to recognize their endless dedication […]

CAPCOG solicits Executive Committee nominations

man in suit adjusting tie

CAPCOG is seeking nominations from General Assembly Representatives interested in serving on the 2021 Executive Committee, which meets the second Wednesday of every month starting in January to provide CAPCOG […]