Texas NENA members elect CAPCOG’s Aurora to board

Members of the Texas National Emergency Number Association (NENA) elected CAPCOG’s Mike Aurora to serve on its board as the Central Regional Coordinator; the position allows him pursue the same passion that drove him to working as a 9-1-1 telecommunications operator and eventually as CAPCOG 9-1-1 telecommunications coordinator — helping others help others.

As a Texas NENA board member, Aurora will be an advocate for 9-1-1 and emergency telecommunicator issues state wide. He also will work closely with telecommunicators from the 34-county region as well as 9-1-1 infrastructure vendors, industry partners, and training providers keeping him informed about innovative best practices, technology and other 9-1-1 related issues. All of which he can use to further capabilities of telecommunicators in the CAPCOG region and strengthen their ability to help people in need.

“I know how important it is to fight for the people who not only work in the 9-1-1 field but also the people calling 9-1-1,” Aurora said. “I joined the Texas NENA board because its promotes research, training and education to ensure everyone has immediate access to 9-1-1 and emergency public safety services.” Aurora first joined the emergency telecommunications field as a part of San Marcos Police Department; there he worked his way from an operator to a 9-1-1 shift supervisor. He joined CAPCOG in July where he supports local public safety answer points in resolving infrastructure, technical and equipment issues to ensure the public can always contact their public safety personnel.


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