Texas NENA elects CAPCOG’s Pamela Frisk Vice President

Members of the Texas National Emergency Number Association (NENA) during the Texas Public Safety Conference in April nominated and elected Pamela Frisk, CAPCOG’s 9-1-1 senior training and public education specialist, to serve as the association’s vice president. The organization promotes and provides research, training and education to ensure people have immediate access to 9-1-1 and emergency services.

“I am a helper — a person that loves to help people, so working as an emergency telecommunicator and facilitating the education of other telecommunicators through CAPCOG is doing exactly what I was put on this Earth to do,” Frisk said. “As Texas NENA vice president, I am a liaison between national, state and local 9-1-1 professionals where I will communicate and advocate for emergency telecommunicators’ development standards and training regardless of the size of the jurisdiction, which helps better prepare emergency telecommunicators for today and the future, and that includes our local agencies.”

Frisk joined CAPCOG in 2021 and works to deliver region-wide training to emergency telecommunicators as well as assists local jurisdictions in educating the public about how to properly call 9-1-1. She has a 31-year career in the criminal justice, law enforcement, and telecommunications fields and is a certified Texas Commission on Law Enforcement instructor. Frisk has served in other NENA roles before working at CAPCOG.

Frisk is the second CAPCOG employee currently serving on the Texas NENA board. Mike Aurora, CAPCOG 9-1-1 telecommunications coordinator, was elected in 2020 to serve as Coordinator for the Central Region.

Read more about Aurora.
Learn more about the Emergency Communications Division


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