
capcog office building exterior
CAPCOG's Area Agency on Aging and the Aging Resource and Disability Center of the Capital Area address community organizations about the programs they have to offer.

What We Do

Supporting Local Governments

As a regional planner and coordinator, CAPCOG’s projects, reports, plans and accomplishments are done on the program level which span across a variety of areas to assist and support counties, cities, and their residents. These program areas are divided among CAPCOG’s five program divisions — Aging Services, Emergency Communications, Homeland Security, Regional Planning and Services, the Regional Law Enforcement Academy.

CAPCOG through its Aging Services program, which runs the Area Agency on Aging (AAACAP) and the Aging and Disabilities Resource Center of the Capital Area (ADRC-CAP), provides a number of services and supports for older adults, those with disabilities and their caregivers.

CAPCOG’s data services offer timely census information, cutting-edge mapping, regional statistics, economic analysis and more to assist local jurisdictions, businesses, residents and other interested stakeholders in the Central Texas 10-county region.

CAPCOG assists the state and local governments in allocating several federal funding sources to local organizations. Among these grant programs are funding sources for projects related to homeland security, criminal justice, and solid waste. CAPCOG also collects and promotes additional grant opportunities related to its program areas.

CAPCOG collaborates with many of the local jurisdictions on several public outreach and education campaigns geared towards protecting resident’s health and safety or reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles on Central Texas roadways.