Solid Waste Funding

CAPCOG, like other councils of governments, uses state funds provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) generated from landfill tipping fees to support eligible solid waste projects within the region that help implement the regional solid waste management plan.

CAPCOG has revised the Request for Applications (RFA) for the FY 2024 & 2025 Solid Waste Program grants. The revision includes a maximum grant amount of $40,000 and an updated timeline. Please review the information below regarding the RFA revisions.

The CAPCOG Solid Waste Program grants are estimated to provide $274,000 in pass-through funding to communities in its 10-county region for the 2024 and 2025 fiscal years to support management of municipal solid waste. Grant funds will be assigned for each fiscal year during one request for application process. Grant funds are available to local governments, public schools and school districts, and general and special law districts created in accordance with state law, and with the authority and responsibility for water quality protection or municipal solid waste management.

2024-25 Solid Waste Program Grant Opportunities

The CAPCOG FY 2024-25 Solid Waste Program Grant RFA provides information about project eligibility, the application process, project scoring and awarding process. It includes a complete process timeline, the goals of CAPCOG’s Regional Solid Waste Management Plan, which are used to determine project eligibility, and information about eligible expenses.

Download the RFA
Download the FY 2024 & 2025 Solid Waste Grant Applicant Form 
Application Deadline:
4 p.m. Dec. 18, 2023
Maximum Grant Award per Project: $40,000
Cash Match Required: at least 10% of the total eligible project costs.
Estimated total grant funds: $274,000

Have questions about the solid waste grant process, please contact Ken May:

RFA Documents

Other important documents that are associated with the CAPCOG Solid Waste Program Grants and that can assist applicants in applying are as follows:

Grant Application and Project Timeline

While a complete grant application timeline is listed in the RFA, CAPCOG is highlighting some key dates during the application process below and will update the list with completion dates and additional grant process information as necessary. Key dates for grant project management and spending deadlines once awardees are announced will also be listed below. 

Public/Private Industry Review — Dec. 27, 2023-Jan. 11, 2024

In accordance with §361.04(b) of the Texas Health and Safety Code and 30 TAC §330.649(d), a project or service funded under this program must promote cooperation between public and private entities and may not be otherwise readily available or create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services.

Once applications are submitted, CAPCOG must provide notification to private industry of grant applications received and provide them an opportunity for at least 7 days before making the applications available to the SWAC for review. Local governments must also contact private industry providers servicing their community to review the applications; CAPCOG encourages cooperation between the entitles. In addition to private industry review, the applications will be available for public review during the time period.

CAPCOG received 22 applications from communities throughout the 10-county region for the 2024 and 2025 grant years.

View the 2024-25 Grant Applications.
Grant applications also are available for review at the CAPCOG offices.

If a private industry or a public resident has any concerns about a proposed project, as it relates to compliance with the statutory provisions, they may submit written comments by 5 p.m. January 11, 2024. If you submit comments, you will be notified of the date and time when the projects will be reviewed by CAPCOG’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee and will be afforded the opportunity to discuss your concerns with the committee.

Written comments will be accepted by:

Mailing: 6800 Burleson Road, Bldg. 310, Ste. 165, Austin, TX 78744
Faxing: (512) 916-6001
Emailing: Ken May, CAPCOG regional solid waste program manager.

SWAC Scoring Meeting — Jan. 19, 2023

Each applicant will have an opportunity to present for five minutes for each application at the SWAC scoring meeting, with 10 additional minutes for questions and answers.

Meeting details to come.

Previous key events will be located here after the RFA is released and the events have concluded.

Application Submission Deadline — 4 p.m. Dec. 18, 2023

Applicants submitted each grant application in separate emails to [email protected] and cc [email protected] and [email protected], including all attachments, with a subject line: [Organization Name] Solid Waste Grant Application [Application #]. CAPCOG will respond as soon as possible with an acknowledgement of receipt.

Download the FY 2024 & 2025 Solid Waste Grant Applicant Form (.docx)

Questions Deadline — Dec. 11, 2023

Prospective grant applicants could submit questions about the RFA and the grant program. CAPCOG generated a Q&A document as times permitted and released the final Q&A document by Dec. 12, 2023.

Questions were submitted to [email protected] and cc’ed [email protected] and [email protected]

Grant-writing Assistance Webinar — Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023

To supplement the previous online grant-writing workshop conducted on October 26, CAPCOG posted a webinar beginning Tuesday, November 21. The webinar explained the details of the application form, which will assist applicants in preparing their applications. The webinar provided information not included in the October 26 workshop and covered the application form that had been revised. The webinar was available until the application deadline date.

The below video supplements the online grant-writing workshop It explains the details of the application form, which will assist applicants and provides information not included in the Oct. 26, 2023 workshop.

Grant Writing Workshop — Oct. 26, 2023 — Completed

CAPCOG hosted a virtual grant writing workshop that covered the application process, project eligibility, funding priorities, and project tracking and reporting requirements. Each jurisdiction seeking CAPCOG Solid Waste Grant Program funds was encouraged to participate in the workshop.

Virtual Grant Writing Workshop
10 a.m.-Noon, Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023
Online, via Microsoft Teams

Register for the workshop.

CAPCOG has provided a recording of the virtual grant writing workshop, held on Oct. 26, 2023, for prospective applicants to watch.


The CAPCOG Solid Waste grants assisted 12 communities in the region with about $264,000 in funding during the 2022-23 grant cycle.
Read about the process.
Review the awarded projects.

At the end of the biennium, CAPCOG conducted a Call for Projects to spend down programmatic and grant project savings. It awarded nearly $99,000 to 5 additional projects.
Read about the process.
Review the awarded projects.


The CAPCOG Solid Waste grants assisted 10 communities in the region with about $191,000 in funding during the 2020-21 grant cycle.
Review the funding projects.
Read the about the process.


The CAPCOG Executive Committee assisted in funding 11 projects during the 2018-19 grant cycle. About $183,000 was spent in support of these projects.
Review the funded projects.