Homeland Security Funding

State Homeland Security Program Grant (SHSP)

SHSP grants provide funding to address high-priority preparedness gaps across all FEMA core capabilities and mission areas that support terrorism preparedness. The optimized delivery of core capabilities requires a combined effort of multiple organizations and levels of government, from federal to local. Texas applies a regional approach to develop recommendations for funding projects to reach its preparedness goals. Each council of governments receives an allocation for projects addressing terrorism risks within their region.

Within CAPCOG, specific use of funds should result in regional benefits to the ten counties in preventing or responding to terrorist activities. Many capabilities that support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards and the resources obtained with awarded funds may be dual-purposed to address any hazard or risk.

The Office of the Governor (OOG) is anticipated to post the SHSP funding announcement on the Texas eGrants management portal in mid-December. CAPCOG has finalizing its process for ranking applications submitted to the SHSP and will makes process updates to this page if and when they occur. CAPCOG has announced mandatory grants workshops which will be held virtually in December.

Have questions about the homeland security grant process, please contact Martin Ritchey:

bomb squad suit training

CAPCOG Review Process Summary

Proposed projects shall address identified threats or hazards in the CAPCOG Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), core capability gaps as identified in the regional State Preparedness Report, demonstrate a regional approach, and may either sustain, build, or expand existing homeland security programs.

Submitted applications are peer reviewed and ranked for recommendation by CAPCOG Homeland Task Force subcommittees. The task force then prioritizes the projects and makes a recommendation to the CAPCOG Executive Committee which submits a finalized priority list to the OOG. All applications are subject to final approval by the OOG’s Homeland Security Grant Division.

FEMA established a requirement in 2018 that communities must complete the National Cyber Security Review (NCSR), a cybersecurity assessment, to receive SHSP funding. Jurisdictions receiving funding through SHSP must complete the NCSR during the time frame designated by FEMA and submit the certificate of submission to the OOG and to CAPCOG. Jurisdictions who fail to complete the assessment will not be eligible for future SHSP funding through the grant cycle. The NCSR must be completed between October 1 and November 30 each year before the grant award and through its completion.  

Eligible applicants MUST have a physical location within the 10-county CAPCOG region.

The CAPCOG 2024 SHSP Grant Review Process Guidance outlines the timeline and process in further detail for outreach, submittal and prioritization of project applications.

Read the CAPCOG FY 2024 SHSP Regional Grant Process

Download the CAPCOG Grant Worksheet

Mandatory SHSP Grant Workshops Information

All interested parties considering application(s) must send a representative to attend a mandatory workshop. The workshop covers what to expect during the application process including:

  • Who can apply and what activities are eligible for funding
  • Application requirements and supporting documentation
  • Applicable federal and state rules, regulations and certifications required of applicants

An application representative is required to attend a workshop to be eligible for FY 2023 SHSP funds.
Register to attend one of the three workshops.

FY 2024 Important Dates (More dates to come)

December 5, 6 & 8, 2023— Three State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant workshops are scheduled to take place online from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Dec. 5, 6, and 8, 2023. Eligible applicants are required to attend one of these three workshops, that will address the SHSP application process and review the federal, state, and regional requirements and priorities for the grant funding.

Dec. 14, 2023SHSP funding announcements released by OOG; the first day entities can submit grant applications on eGrants.

Jan. 31, 2024— Grant applications must be submitted to eGrants and the CAPCOG application form must be submitted to CAPCOG by 5 p.m. The state’s deadline for application is technically Feb. 9, 2024. However, CAPCOG needs the grant application information earlier to complete the project application prioritization process.

Get the CAPCOG 2024 Grant Worksheet

Feb. 10, 2024— CAPCOG Homeland Security Task Force subject matter expert subcommittees begin the review and prioritize project applications.

March 7, 2024 — The Homeland Security Task Force will review the subcommittees prioritization recommendations and prioritize all projects applications.

March 13, 2024— CAPCOG Executive Committee will make final recommendation of projects which will be submitted to the OOG.

Grant Application Development

To further assist local jurisdictions in applying for SHSP grant funding, the OOG released an eGrants User Guide, that has specific sections related to the SHSP.

Read Previous Grant Processes